New Beginnings

We put out a call for haiku on the subject ‘New Beginnings’, and then life got on, same old, same old. Here’s our compilation at last, after a delay of many weeks:


strong winds…
a wilted flower
breaks away

~ Mahrukh Balsara

wrinkled hands scrub off
past Diwalis

yet another dump
for a fresh stake

one last lick
before nodding off
latest litter

new menu
the fresh lime soda
exactly the same

new home
mismatched cups
and staff

~ Brijesh Raj

new walls…
how long till this one
feels like home

~ Paresh Tiwari

new skin
the cut that wasn’t
deep after all

~ Kasturi Jadhav

grief counselling
my old lover is
my new friend

~ Deepa

new year
the resolutions fade
faster than the snow

kittens again
the same
old cat

~ Rohini Gupta

new year’s dawn
still trying to recall
last night’s resolves

rising from the mist
a full moon

~ Gautam Nadkarni

and forgiving the past memories
springs of fresh tenderness

~ Purushotham Rao Ravela

from his village dwelling
to life in the city

new beginnings –
the drunk buries
his whiskey bottle

melting snow –
from the garden bed
a rose bud peeps out

~ Sandra Martyres

new manuscript…
In the heat of the flames
of the old one

a new summer day

the dawn’s glow washed out
by the streetlights

~ Raamesh Gowri Raghavan


Would you like to add your haiku on this topic? Please add them in the comments.

Published by

Cafe Haiku

The magazine of the Café Haiku group, based in India. We publish haiku, haibun, haiga, reviews and haikai articles, and also publish yearly haikai anthologies.

5 thoughts on “New Beginnings”

  1. Dear New Beginnings Writers,

    What a wonderful collection of different perspectives to share with readers of this journal. It is a pleasure to see Haiku Cafe flourishing. Thank you for sharing your gift of worlds.


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